A Race to find my will to live again.

A tale of adversity to triumph and everything in between.

If you’ve ever meet me or heard of me, you probably already know I was gifted the gift of the gab… aka I like to talk.

Little did I know that my hardest of times and toughest of adversities would lead to my skill of storytelling and helping others.

Through the loss of my boyfriend at the age of 24 and then my mother’s cancer diagnosis and death at 26 my world spiraled, I hit the inevitable rock bottom, I turned to alcohol to numb the pain.

It was around this time that I discovered a race, 1000km through Mongolia riding 30 semi wild horses the ultimate test of a equine enthusiast endurance. I like to call it “the rope”, that was thrown to me as a way to guide me back to the land of the living.

The tale is one of the greats, it truly makes the best story to tell. I raced not once but twice in what is know as “the worlds longest and toughest horse race on the planet”.

Not only did I find myself again on that race, but I was shown a way of life I could have never dreamed I would get to live.

I share my story to all who wish to listen.

No matter where or when

From start to end my tale last 40-50mins. I am very much the open book, my tale touches on everything from alcoholism to suicide with the added joy of love and triumph.

My story can really hit some people hard, but it’s supposed to, this life isn’t easy and mine wasn’t for a long time. What people walk away with is a full heart knowing that there is light at the end of it all, that life is truly such a gift if or when you chose to live it.

“A story of heartache, courage and achievement. Kathy really was powerful in her delivery”

“I think Kathy would have had the whole audience in tears if she hadn’t have delivered her story to us with her trademark grin and lighthearted humor.

She is clearly tough but was also vulnerable with us about her struggles and to hear her message at the end of “just have a go” I think it resonated with so many in the audience.

I feel like she has so much more to tell.”

“Awesome and inspirational another pocket rocket, on horseback and more.”

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

— Albus Dumbledore